This is the first way that a person would use it as a business card. These are important and just like you that need to stand out with a catchy image or photo along with your company's name, address, phone/fax number and website. The sugar glider or German Shepherd would work well with an animal business.
The second way to use the Kingdomofanimals on Zazzle business cards would be as gift tags for Christmas or any other occasion. There are a few different sizes. Shown here is the regular business card size along with a skinner card that one would see on presents. Either would work well. If you have your own ideas and photos; you may click on any of these cards to create your own business card or gift card. Just use these as your template. All the photos and text are easy to customize.

Baby Sugar Gliders Merry Christmas Tag Business Card Template by kingdomofanimals
Browse other Tags Business Cards
Browse other Tags Business Cards

Sugar Glider in Orange Hanging Bed Business Card Templates by kingdomofanimals
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